As I'm sure you have figured out, the Kenney family is a very close-knit group of people. We are, however, accepting of new people and like to add new members to our group. Now don't get me wrong....this membership does not come without A LOT of intense grilling (Aunt Mick is not the only one with questions
Kenney Wannabe. These Kenney Wannabes can be just as important as an actual Kenney; they tend to show up at similar events such as weddings, funerals, and reunions.
). We can be very overwhelming and it definitely takes a special kind of person to understand and appreciate all things Kenney. (Just ask the brave souls who married into this family). I believe it was the Bracco family that coined the term
We met a very special group of Kenney Wannabes this week in Chimbote. The long-term volunteers and staff at the mission quickly became a part of our loud and loving family. We are grateful for everything these amazing people taught us and most importantly their patience. We couldn't have asked for better people to share in this experience. We hope they know there is ALWAYS a warm bed and cold Baileys waiting for them in St. Paul, Chicago, and Seattle.
Cheers to Fr. Jack, Katie, Charro, Adrian, Jake, Colin, and Chloe!